Monday 30 September 2013

Define the tern Animation
Animation is used throughout lots of company; it is used in films, games and adverts all with a certain audience.
Where is Animation used?
Animation is used in many different ways. It is used in films (Toy Story), adverts (Toy Story sky advert) and games (Borderlands).  Animation has been used since early Victorian times, where they used drawings and span them around in a device called Zeotrope. But since then it has been greatly improved with animation that now looks real and without the need of manual work.
Types of Animation
There are lots of different types on animation, from the simple Flip book to the more complicated Animated GIFS’s and films.
Who’s the audience?
The target audience for animation is different for each piece. Animation for adverts like cereal (Tony the tiger) is made for young children who appeal to the bright colour and fluffy animals.  On the other hand, animation is also made for adults as shows like Family Guy and South Park is for adult view only as is has mature content.
Animation Pioneers:
There are four main Pioneers of Animation. These are The Lumiere brothers, William Horner, Thomas Edison and Walt Disney.
Augueste and Louis Lumiere were born 19th October 1862 and Louis 5th October 1864 and they were the earliest filmmakers in history. They worked for their farther in a Photographic firm, but it wasn’t until their farther retired that they started making steps into moving images. In 1895 they made the cinematographe which was the first cinema movie player, they also started recording the first film for it in March 19th 1895, which shows the workers of the Lumiere factor leaving.
William Horner was a British mathematician born in 1786, he was a schoolmaster, headmaster and school keeper. He wrote many functional equations and made his own method of the approximation theory named the Horner’s Theory. The modern invention of the Zoetrope (Daedaleum) was attributed to him.
Description: Edison was an American Businessman/Inventor. Born on February 11th 1847 he was known as “The wizard of Menlo Park” for his great inventions of the Phonograph, the Motion picture camera and the Light bulb. He was the first inventor to apply Mass production to his inventions which is also why he is credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory.


Description: Elias “Walt” Disney was an American business magnate, animation, producer, director, screen writer and voice actor. He is one of the biggest faces and most well know member of the American animation industry. He is regarded as an international icon. He is well known for his influence to the field of entertainment during the 20th Century. Him and his brother founded The Walt Disney Company and created cartoon animations such as they famous Micky Mouse, which Walt Disney himself provided the voice for.

To create this animation I started off my using the text tool to create a number one and placed it in the middle of the screen. I then broke it (Crtl B) and extended the time line up to 20. I then replaced the number one with a number two again by using the text tool. I then selected the 10 second mark on the timeline and opened the properties by right clicking on that mark. I then selected Tween and selected shape. After I did my animation I watched it by pressing Ctrl and Enter.

To create this animation I started off by using the shape tool to create an oval. I changed the colour of my oval to blue and gave it no outline, when making the circle I kept hold of shift to make it a perfect circle and then placed it in the top left. When I did this I right clicked it and converted it to a symbol. I called my symbol a ball and converted it to a graphic type. I then inserted a Key frame at 10 on the timeline and moved my “ball” to the bottom of the page. At 5 on the timeline I created a motion Tween by right clicking and selecting Motion Tween. This created my animation and to show the movie I pressed Ctrl and Enter.



To make this I chose an image that I liked and pasted it onto the stage. I then created a new layer and named it mask; I made sure that this layer was above the layer containing the image that I had just pasted. After this I used the drawing tool to create an oval and placed it over an area of my image that I wanted to be transparent. I made sure that the colour of my oval was a bright clear colour so I knew where it was. I then right clicked my masked layer and selected Mask, you will know that it is done because both of the layer will have a locked icon. I then tested it to make sure that the oval that I created was transparent. After this I created a frame at 20 on the mask layer and did the same for the one below it. After that I right clicked at 15 on the timeline and selected Classic Tween. Then to continue all you have to do is unlock the frame and click the frame to 20 and move the oval to somewhere else. After this you can pay it without any problems.